ALIGNMENT Matters issue 12

Why ALIGNMENT Matters  

March Madness sprang to mind when I sat down to write this intro. I’ve recently been reminded of how much focus is put on individuals in both basketball and the insurance industry, despite both being ‘team sports”.

Since day one, ALIGNED has been working hard to change, or at least shift, the commonly held belief that it is all about the individual/broker and that relationship. At ALIGNED, we feel it is really all about value the team/brokerage delivers.

That’s why the foundation of our brokerage is built on 18 points of differentiation and why we’re committed to building a culture, philosophy and a way of doing things…not just a business.

That said, by any measure, we have many stars and top performers on the ALIGNED team and I’d encouraged you to take time to get to know them. We also continue to invest in people and build our team. To that end, I’m pleased to welcome Brad Doherty, an assistant advocate who is working out of our National Operations Centre.

As always, you’ll find some insights on concerning and emerging risk issues and insurance products that are specifically designed to help address them (see below).


Andrew Clark, MBA, CAIB, RF, FCIP, RPLU
President & CEO, ALIGNED Insurance Inc.

ALIGNMENT Matters issue 12

Related Matters: ALIGNED Career Opportunities – Work With Canada’s Premiere Insurance Brokerage

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