ALIGNMENT Matters Issue 16

Cyber Attack: Is Your SME Ready?

ALIGNMENT Matters issue 16 – On a recent Friday afternoon, a massive cyber attack caused productivity slowdowns across North America. You likely noticed that many services including social media tools and online payment services were inaccessible. Multiple denial-of-service (DoS) attacks effectively caused the internet and many related services to crash. The potential vulnerability we all have to any cyber attack became painfully obvious.

Within just a few hours, the Friday October 21, 2016 Dyn cyber attack had its own Wikipedia page and countless businesses, including many SMEs, were interrupted. Nearly all organizations are dependent on some form of access to 24/7/365 technology and sadly, many of those impacted by cyber attacks are small and mid sized businesses which are the foundation of our communities and economy.

Moreover, a breaking news story in Insurance Business Canada shares insights from a cyber expert that “attackers will tend to target the lowest hanging fruit, and at the moment that is the SME sector.”  Worse still, SMEs may not have a business continuity plan in place for what happened. Canadian Underwriter notes that “49% of Alberta SMEs surveyed do not have business continuity plan” let alone a cyber resiliency plan. 

Across Canada, our team of insurance advocates has a deep and thorough understanding of the current and emerging risks that SMEs and larger businesses face. Read on for insights & information about:

Our experts can help you prepare your SME for a worst-case scenario – learn how in ALIGNMENT Matters issue 16 below.


Andrew Clark, MBA, CAIB, RF, FCIP, RPLU
President & CEO
ALIGNED Insurance Inc.

ALIGNMENT Matters issue 16

We’re ALIGNED Across Canada   100% Canadian owned, ALIGNED is a premiere insurance brokerage that serves small, medium and large organizations. ALIGNED’s offices in Toronto, Calgary and Vancouver are supported by a national operations centre in Cambridge, Ontario. As one of Canada’s fastest growing insurance brokerages, we invite you to learn more about us and connect @ALIGNEDonRisk, on Facebook or LinkedIn.

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