Insurance For Office Supply Stores In Canada

Insurance For Office Supply Stores In Canada

Insurance for office supply stores in Canada can help you help others. Your business supports other Canadian businesses every day. At ALIGNED Insurance, it’s up to us to help you find the insurance that fits your business so you can continue to serve your community. As a business owner, you’ll need to learn what types of insurance you need and where to get it. Use this form to get your free quote started now.

Canadian Office Supplies is a family owned business that helps support local small businesses. They also make the time to help those in need, whether that’s helping girls in China finish high school, building an orphanage in Uganda, or feeding the hungry. It’s businesses like this that make insurance for office supply stores in Canada so necessary. At ALIGNED Insurance we search through the 65+ top insurance companies in Canada to find the insurance that fits your business. It’s our job to support your business so that the people you support can continue their work as well. It’s an important cycle that can be bolstered with just a few simple steps.

First, here are a few types of insurance for office supply stores you’ll need to consider:

Property Insurance

Every owner needs property insurance for office supply stores. This type of insurance is used to protect your building and your inventory. Your main concerns will be:

  • weather and storm damage
  • flooding and plumbing issues
  • accidental damage to your building or inventory

All of these situations can leave you with unexpected costs that disrupt your business. It’s up to your insurance company to help you through these messes.

Commercial General Liability Insurance

As a business owner, you’re liable for accidents that happen in your store or on your property. You want your insurance company to help if:

  • a customer claims they’ve been injured at your location
  • a customers office is accidentally damaged by your employee during a delivery

Your liability insurance is the key to mitigating losses from unforeseen events. If a customer slips in the store or a customer falls out of a chair they bought from your store and gets a concussion, you need any legal costs to be covered.

Product Liability Insurance

This type of insurance is used for claims related to injuries that happen due to defective or malfunctioning products. This could be situations like:

  • a defective toner product causes skin damage to the customer during use
  • a customer falls out of a malfunctioning desk chair
  • a warning label on a product is not accurate

Your insurance company is there to help you pay for any legal costs that would come from those types of claims.

Crime Insurance

Every business owner should consider crime insurance. This type of insurance covers claims for:

  • customer crimes like credit card fraud
  • employee crimes like stolen inventory

If you are a victim of these types of crimes, your insurance company can help you recoup any lost revenue.

Why Your Insurance Should Be Customized

Insurance for office supply stores in Canada should be customized because they are different than other retail stores. Even within the office supply store market, your store is different from the others. You want your insurance company to understand your business. If you do deliveries, your insurance should provide coverage for that. If you have a store where customers can browse products, your insurance may be different than a delivery-only store. Your insurance may also be different if you’re running your business mostly online. All of these things should be taken into account so that your coverage is right for your business.

Where Can You Get Insurance For An Office Supplies Store?

You can get your insurance quote started now here.

If you want to avoid filing for multiple quotes in order to find the best price for your insurance package, you’ll want to contact ALIGNED Insurance at 1-866-287-0448. It’s our job to find you the insurance for office supply stores that best fits your business so you don’t have to go through that tedious process. Let us help your business so you can continue to help other businesses thrive.

Buy Insurance Online Now!

We offer online insurance products for multiple industries, just fill out a simple application form and get a quote today!