Inn From The Cold Society is nominated
Every click & share counts! You can help Inn From the Cold Society get a $5K donation from ALIGNED Insurance
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We believe in giving. That’s why a portion of our profits are donated to a registered Canadian charity that we invite you to help us select. And it is why we’re thrilled to advise that an ALIGNED Insurance client nominated Inn From the Cold Society to receive our Giving Generously 2021 donation.
If this page has the most visitors between Wednesday, October 20, 2021 and 11:59 pm Friday, December 10, 2021, Inn From The Cold Society will receive our Giving Generously 2021 donation of $5,000.
Here’s some info about Inn From The Cold Society and how they transform the lives of families in need…
Established in 1997, Inn from the Cold Society (IFTC), is a non profit Calgary-based charity helping families with children (expecting mothers included) that are, or may be at risk of becoming homeless, while also offering a wide range of services including homelessness prevention, supportive housing, emergency shelter, clothing, food and employment assistance.
In their own words, at IFTC “we go far beyond the provision of basic needs and offer shelter, sanctuary, and healing through an integrated continuum of services. Our door is open 24/7, 365 days a year, and we turn no family away.”1
Inn from the Cold Society is proud to have been listed as a top 10 charity for Canadian Impact by Charity Intelligence.
Inn from the Cold Society – How they help
Inn from the Cold Society’s mission of helping and supporting families facing hardship includes:
- Helping families remain in their home or find different housing opportunities. This includes landlord negotiations, short-term financial support and shelter, finding new housing and more
- Providing shelter for families with relationship problems or other urgent situations. In addition to a roof over people’s heads, the charity also provides basic needs such as food, clothing, baby items – as well as event-organization, such as birthday parties and other family celebrations
- Support for goal setting, community connection, advocacy, government-related and other community assistance
Notable programs: Homeless Prevention and Diversion Program, Emergency Shelter Program, Housing Program, SPINZ Food Supplement Program
What people say about Inn from the Cold Society:
“I had an awesome volunteer experience in which I was able to help make sandwiches, serve dinner and desserts especially for kids. I am very happy to help and will probably do it again soon.”2 – Yyc Joy Abayon
“Incredible organization providing shelter, sanctuary and healing for Calgary’s homeless children and families, I applaud your hard work and efforts!”3 – Valerie Cutler
“I truly think this is still the best program in Calgary helping homeless families get back on their feet again. Since starting Feb 2016 once a month volunteering with downtown IFTC, I believe they have wonderful staff, facilities and volunteer base. Keep up the good work IFTC and Calgary!!!”4 – Tim Blackwell
“I have been volunteering here with their SPINZ program through a client of mine. I first think it’s wonderful that my client engages in these types of social activities, it’s good to see, and it’s something I love to do. This last time we were there, I actually got my husband, co-worker and her boyfriend to all do it together. It was tons of fun! It’s an awesome time and for a good cause. If you’re in need, check it out, or if you want to help, also check it out.”5 – from an IFTC volunteer
To learn more about how Inn from the Cold Society helps families in dire straits, please visit
Inn From The Cold Society – Visit, revisit & share this page now!
You can help Inn from the Cold Society get ALIGNED with our Giving Generously donation. The Canadian charity webpage with the most visitors between Wednesday, October 20, 2021 and 11:59 pm Friday, December 10, 2021 will receive our 2021 donation.
5 ways you can help Inn From The Cold Society become our Giving Generously 2021 Charity!
- Right now, take a moment to share this page with all of your social media networks and colleagues.
- Encourage others, including Inn From The Cold Society, to visit and share this webpage too!
- Like and share ALIGNED Insurance content about nominated Giving Generously 2021 charities on our social media feeds such as: LinkedIn, Facebook & Instagram.
- Keep visiting and sharing this webpage until the campaign closes at 11:59 pm Friday, December 10, 2021. The Giving Generously charity page with the most visits – aka clicks – during the campaign period will receive a $5K ALIGNED Insurance donation at the end of the campaign period.
- Stay tuned! Learn about the ALIGNED Insurance Giving Generously 2021 charity in a special issue of ALIGNMENT Matters, our monthly e-newsletter. Click on the Join Our Distribution List button at the bottom of our homepage.
Giving Generously 2021 – Our Social Responsibility Campaign
People helping people is how we deliver better business insurance. ALIGNED is known for consistently delivering a better insurance experience to Canadian businesses. Each and every day, we do this by:
- Being fiercely independent – our brokerage is 100% owned by us, not by any insurance company
- Doing what we say we’re going to do when we say we’re going to do it
- Fulfilling our social responsibility to help others
Since 2014, we’ve donated to more than 40 Canadian charities through our social responsibility initiatives. We know it’s a privilege to handle our clients’ insurance needs and that’s why GIVING frequently, consistently and GENEROUSLY is essential to all of us.
Each year, a portion of ALIGNED Insurance profits are donated to a Canadian charity that is nominated by an ALIGNED client. During the Giving Generously campaign, people vote by visiting web pages that ALIGNED builds to celebrate each charity and the great work they do.
Our annual Giving Generously donation is made to the registered Canadian charity that receives the most “votes” which are recorded as web page sessions.
If you have any questions about Giving Generously or would like to know more about how an ALIGNED Insurance Advocate can get you connected with better business insurance, simply email
Source(s):, 2,3,,