Lighting Consultant Insurance

Being a lighting consultant is undoubtedly a diverse and engaging job, as you create visually dynamic environments in your realm of expertise. There are many different areas of specialization possible in this field, including advising on lighting for the renovation or construction of a wide variety of indoor and outdoor spaces, as well as for events like the theatre or concerts. 

Like any professional providing an advisory service to clients, as a Lighting Consultant, you also need to protect yourself from any potential claims made against you as part of your business. 

Lighting Consultant Insurance
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Is insurance necessary for Lighting Consultants in Canada?

Yes, yes it is! As with any professional consultant, your clients expect you to bring a level of knowledge and expertise to your work when advising them. If you fail to meet expectations, or worse if something goes wrong, you could be held liable. 

Not all Lighting Consultants face the same risks, and you should speak to an ALIGNED business insurance broker to help determine your unique needs. But all specialists in this field require protection from some common hazards. 

The right insurance for Lighting Consultants

Generally, your insurance policy protects you against claims related to your work as a Lighting Consultant and mitigates any effects from those claims, which could include legal and judgment costs. 

A Commercial General Liability (CGL) policy specifically tailored to Lighting Consultants will guard against bodily injury or property damage that may occur as a result of your work. Consider the possibility that a piece of lighting equipment is not secured properly and falls onto a patron at a museum where you have advised on the lighting installation. In this scenario, the patron could bring a claim against the museum, who in turn brings one against you as the lighting consultant. 

As well, Product Liability provides solid protection for your business relating to the manufacturing or sale to the public of products, foods, medicines or other items. Typically part of your CGL policy, it protects against liabilities for losses due to injuries caused by malfunctions or defects in your products – including design defects or a failure to warn consumers about the dangers of using a product.

An Errors and Omissions policy is designed to protect consultants when they fail to perform the duties for which they were hired correctly. For instance, you advise a client to group lighting in a certain section of their theatre for a production but fail to accurately estimate the load that this would put on the nearby breaker. On opening night, the overloaded breaker sparks and causes a small fire to break out on stage. The production cannot go ahead as scheduled and tickets have to be refunded. 

You may wish to consider Commercial Property Insurance if you possess lighting equipment as part of your business. This aspect of your policy protects your property against vandalism and extreme events like flooding and lightning. 

Small Business Auto Insurance applies to your Lighting Consulting business if you use a company or personal vehicle for business purposes. 

Also, if you work and store files online, Cyber Liability Insurance is something to consider as well. This coverage protects you in the event of a breach or loss of your online resources. 

Find the Right Lighting Consultant Insurance from ALIGNED 

ALIGNED works with Canada’s top insurance companies to provide custom insurance packages at affordable prices. Click Here To Get A Quote or contact one of our business insurance experts for information or with any questions you may have.

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