Insurance for Web Development
Web developers and other professionals that do web development work are an important part of the team for many businesses. Where there is a need for creating a website, whether you are a retail company, a technology company, or a bank, web development is needed to build out the website for the internet or intranet. Developers might have access to confidential information, large databases, internal project requirements, and other resources. Although web developers are great at their craft and can create stunning websites with amazing functionality, mistakes can still happen. The damage and financial loss can result in costly liability or litigation.
With insurance for web development from ALIGNED, web developers and designers can protect themselves and their businesses against incurring risks.

Why is Insurance for Web Development Important?
Web developers and designers are creating a site that represents an individual or a business’s brand and voice. There’s a lot for web development professionals to think about and mistakes can be costly.
- A client is unsatisfied with the website or claims the promised services weren’t delivered.
- The website is developed poorly and a cyber-attack causes the client to suffer data damages and financial loss.
- You store client information in online databases while developing their website and your computer suffers a cyber-attack or equipment malfunction and customers’ personal information is accidentally accessed by a third party.
Having the right insurance for web development will help protect you and your business against the repercussions of risks.
What Does Insurance for Web Development Include?
Cyber liability insurance – when storing sensitive client information and company intel in your online databases while developing their website, your computer software or hardware can suffer from a cyberattack that could result in a data breach. Cyber liability insurance can protect your business against the loss that your client suffers and other related costs.
Commercial general liability insurance – essential for web development professionals, commercial general liability insurance can protect your business against third-party claims of bodily injury or property damage. For example, claims of libel, slander, false advertising, slip and falls, damage to rented office space, etc.
Professional liability insurance – as a web development professional, you provide specialized services that are specific to the requirements of your clients. If you misunderstand their instructions or deliver a poorly designed website, clients can be unsatisfied with your service or even suffer financial loss. Having enough professional liability insurance can protect you against claims of error, negligence, omissions, or another failure to deliver promised services.
What kind of insurance does a web developer need?
Web developer insurance covers trained professionals from risks associated with working in this exciting field. Web developers need several types of insurance coverage specific to their area of expertise, and some that are common to most small businesses. Cyber liability insurance, professional liability insurance and equipment breakdown insurance are all coverages that web developers should carry. Operating in the online world necessitates these coverages so web developers are protected from potential hazards. Additionally, general liability insurance is a must for any small business to guard against any risks that arise from the normal course of doing business. If a web developer owns property, property insurance should be another consideration.
How much does web developer insurance cost?
At ALIGNED, our insurance specialists are committed to delivering custom insurance packages at affordable prices. The cost of your personal web developer insurance will depend on a few factors, including the services you offer, your annual and projected revenues, the number of staff you employ, what business equipment and property you own, and where you operate. As a professional web developer, you can expect to pay anywhere between $700-$2,000 for a comprehensive annual insurance package, depending on these factors.
Why do web developers need insurance?
Web developers are highly trained professionals that provide a crucial service for businesses by designing functional and attractive websites and other online assets. Despite all their best efforts, mistakes can still happen, and web developers need insurance to guard against any claims made against them or their business. Clients hire web developers to bring their business’ vision and brand voice to life online. If they feel they haven’t been accurately or optimally represented, they might not want to pay for a web developer’s services. Similarly, if there are any issues with a client’s website functionality, a customer may not be fully satisfied with the job done. Also, web developers can be vulnerable to cyber attacks or data breaches that are beyond their control. For all of these – and other – potential mishaps, web developers need a comprehensive insurance package designed specifically for their business.
Equipment breakdown insurance – your computers or server might suffer mechanical breakdowns or other internal failures that result in business interruption or loss of work. Equipment breakdown insurance can help cover the cost of repairs and replacements.
Find the Right Insurance for Web Development Professionals with ALIGNED
ALIGNED works with Canada’s top insurance companies to provide custom insurance packages at affordable prices. Click Here To Get A Quote or contact one of our business insurance experts for information or with any questions you may have.