Insurance for Surgical Product Wholesalers

Hospitals, surgeons and doctors rely on surgical product wholesalers to provide the medical equipment and supplies they use every day to help treat patients. When they sell and distribute surgical products to their customers, there are risks of property damage, defective products, bodily injury and more. Like all businesses, surgical product wholesalers need to think about how they protect themselves against these liabilities. Otherwise, some of these risks could lead to a surgical product wholesaler going bankrupt  in the event they are sued and don’t have the proper insurance in place to protect their business.

With comprehensive insurance from ALIGNED designed specifically for surgical product wholesalers, your business will be covered against financial losses resulting from potential liability.

Why is insurance for Surgical Product Wholesalers so important?

Insurance for Surgical Product Wholesalers
Looking for insurance for surgical product wholesalers? Get your free business insurance quote started HERE now!

There are risks with any business that sells or distributes products. There could be issues with the product sold that causes property damage or even bodily harm. Especially in the healthcare industry, mistakes could have very big consequences.

Some of the risks involved with surgical product wholesalers include:

  • The product that you sell is defective and causes a patient to receive inadequate surgical treatment.
  • Your website suffers from a cyberattack.
  • A third party is injured or suffers property damage on your premises.
  • There’s an accident while delivering products to your customers.

Many other risks could occur and create costly repercussions for your business. Contact an ALIGNED insurance broker to purchase surgical product wholesalers insurance and mitigate your financial risk.

What does insurance for Surgical Product Wholesalers include?

Commercial General Liability Insurance – Also called CGL insurance, commercial general liability insurance provides coverage for injuries and property damages occurring to a third party during your business operations. For example, if a customer is injured on your premises, you are covered for lawsuits, losses and medical expenses.

Product Liability Insurance – There are risks associated with the surgical products your customers buy from your wholesale business. Product liability insurance protects against injuries, illnesses and property damages that your customer suffers as a result of your products.

Commercial Fleet Insurance – Wholesalers could own a fleet of vehicles to deliver products to various customers. Operating a commercial fleet requires fleet insurance to protect the vehicles and your organization.

Cargo Insurance – When moving goods from a warehouse to their destination, there is a marine risk. Cargo insurance can protect your cargo when there’s physical loss or damage, supply chain disruptions, professional liability, stock throughput risks, and more.

Cyber Liability Insurance – Protects your website against cyberattacks like loss of data, viruses, etc.

Find better Surgical Product Wholesale insurance for your business with ALIGNED

ALIGNED works with Canada’s top insurance companies to provide custom insurance packages at affordable prices. Click Here To Get A Quote or contact one of our business insurance experts for information or with any questions you may have.

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