Drones And How To Use Them On Your Construction Site

Drones And How To Use Them On Your Construction Site

What You Need To Know About Drones And How To Use Them On Your Construction Site

Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV), or drones, are becoming increasingly utilized around the world. For construction sites, the rapid advances in technology, such as cameras and autopilot navigation, have actually made drones more affordable, easier to use and more reliable. Read on for the specific benefits a drone can provide to construction sites.

As technologies improve and the cost of acquiring a drone is reduced, more construction companies are implementing UAVs in useful ways. Construction Global highlights the following beneficial uses for UAV on construction sites:

Scoping Sites Aerially

Aerial imagery is extensively useful for calculating site dimensions, height restrictions and access points. The use of drones for this type of work is cost-efficient and will save firms time and resources, as well.

Capturing High-Definition Video and Imagery

Typically, a construction site has to use a helicopter or other light aircraft in order to capture aerial footage of a site, which costs a substantial amount of fuel. Using drones with high-definition cameras not only cuts these costs, but drones have the potential to provide better-quality footage.

Securing Job Sites

UAV can offer security to job sites by utilizing technology to monitor contractors, ensure worker health and safety, and protect against theft and trespassing.

Moving Materials

Construction sites can utilize UAVs to move materials and equipment on the job site.

In order to utilize UAVs, construction companies may be required to obtain a Special Flight Operations Certificate or comply with other rules set forth by Transport Canada. Additionally, construction companies must follow rules found in the Canadian Aviation Regulations and respect laws related to trespassing and privacy when operating their drones.

For more information on operating drones please consult Transport Canada, and for questions regarding insurance drones being used for commercial applications contact an ALIGNED Insurance Advocate today.

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